Here is an overview of the three levels of transformative training programs.

Core Training: Advanced Training: Mastery Training:
Training FocuS Formalize your knowledge and skills to meet the ICF's standards and become a Qualified Coach Practitioner Level up your coaching skillset to meet global professional standard and become a Skilful Coach Practitioner, Refine your competency and craft to gain coaching mastery and become o Artful Coach Practitioner.
Learning Milestone Shift your coaching stance from coaching for action to coaching for change. Transition from a formulated coaching approach to a spontaneous coaching style with a greater emphasis on the who of the person. Enhance your ability to deepen learning and create generative change by bringing art into the science of coaching.
Deliverable Apply the ACC Conversation model to create a reflective learning conversation. Integrate the ICF core competencies to create a more person-centric conversation. Apply the change of science to facilitate a meaningful dialogic coaching conversation.
Transformative Skillset Observe the narrative to increase situational awareness. Observe the "Who" of the client and "What" aspect of the situation to increase self-awareness. Observe the Totality of the Whole System to create generative change
Coaching Style Structured Spontaneous Fluid, highly customised to what arises in the moment
Coaching Capacity Equivalent to ICF ACC level of coaching Equivalent to ICF PCC level of coaching Equivalent to ICF MCC level of coaching
Certification Certified Professional Coach Certified Professional Coach (Advanced Practitioner) Certified Master Coach
Hours & Duration 70 hours over 16 weeks 80 hours over 24 weeks 80 hours over 32 weeks.