In the coaching industry, earning an International Coach Federation (ICF) credential enables a coach to stand in good stead. The ICF offers three levels of coaching credentials- Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Master Certified Coach (MCC) that entail progressively higher standards.
To establish your coaching career as a PCC coach, you must be aware of the fact that this certification comes with its own requirements that you have to fulfil. A PCC coaching training program helps develop the core skills and knowledge required to earn the credential. These learnings even help grow the coach in their profession by using those in engagements with clients to overcome their unruly experiences.
The PCC credential requires three essential elements from an effective coaching training program:
1. 125+ hours of coaching instruction;
2. 500+ hours of coaching experience;
3. 10 hours of mentor coaching with a qualified coach.
Earning your PCC coaching certification demonstrates your skills as a responsible coach that you can utilize to help your clients lead more integrity-filled lives.
Here are the four primary skills you can develop as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC):
Become Self-Aware
Coaches with PCC credentials become able to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses. Through self-awareness, they can work on their shortcomings and are open to receiving feedback and making changes whenever needed. The more you are aware of yourself, the better you will be able to understand what types of clients you can coach best.
Understand the Difference between Responsibility and Burden
Responsibility is often perceived as a burden. It is mis-conceptualized as added tasks and added problems. During their PCC coaching training, coaches learn to set apart responsibility from the burden. They learn to give their best shot to challenging tasks and handle it with full control. Coaches take it further to teach their clients that anxiety offers nothing but drains out your energy and makes you less effective. Taking responsibility positively builds your positive image with the ability to better judge and make decisive actions.
Able to Take Calculated Risks
Professional coaches don’t fear taking calculated risks when required. With such ability, they assist clients on how to work with risks and possible failures and help them analyze any critical situations. Professional coaches lead their clients to a healthier mindset regarding failures and encourage them not to give up when things are not in the right direction.
Learning from Mistakes
Making mistakes is no big deal, it is part of life; even the greatest lessons are learnt through the mistakes. This is key area coaches develop through the PCC coach training program, which they utiilize in their professional coaching engagements. They help clients turn mistakes into opportunities to learn new things and move ahead with corrective actions. Moreover, they help them realize that taking accountability for our mistakes allows others to see the truthfulness and reliability within us and thus gain their respect.
Knowing these outcomes, you must have got interested in moving ahead in your coaching career with a PCC credential. This you can do by signing up for Advance Training for Mastery Coaching, offered by Coach Masters Academy. Completing the 70 hours coaching training program enables a coach to apply for the ICF-PCC credential.
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