The paradigm shift of Millennials seeking a different kind of fulfillment in the workplace has created a desire for them, as well as preceding generations, to engage in Life Coaching training in New Zealand and Australia. This industry has recently become the second fastest growing profession in the world.
Millennials are no longer interested in having an average of seven jobs or career changes over their working lifetime and instead of wanting to ensure their career of choice is in alignment with their values and permits personal fulfillment. The emotional intelligence of the Millennial generation is significantly higher than that of their predecessors. They are more in touch with their feelings. Therefore, their desire for financial security is not as strong as their desire for work-life balance and satisfaction in the workplace.
New Zealand and Australia have the old paradigm of people sacrificing their personal values for a pay check has contributed to the dwindling of social ethics in business, and has contributed to an all-time happiness low according to the 2011 Gallup Poll (Sneed).
With a desire for personal fulfillment, Millennials have taken it upon themselves to fill this need by investing in Life Coaching outside of the working environment. This is due to the fact that in many cases, not enough time or money is allocated for personal development within the workplace for newcomers and general staff.
Life Coaching provides a variety of different avenues to explore ones’ human potential. When it comes to personal fulfillment, the Life Coach can help the coachee to understand and clarify their core values, beliefs, priorities, life purpose as well as moving toward achieving their personal and professional aspirations.
Due to this growing trend in New Zealand and Australia, the older generation has had to make a huge shift in their thinking, in order to change their prior perceptions around fulfillment. Therefore, it has become more prevalent for them to engage in Life Coaching to achieve a quality of life that has been foreign to them.
In order for the older generations to understand the millennials desire for a purpose driven business and a purpose driven life, there is a greater longing to understand where their own fulfillment comes from.
In order to meet this growing demand for personal growth, it is even more important for those in management and leadership positions to engage in Life Coaching or better yet, Life Coach training; with the personal knowledge, they will attain, they will be able to address the need for personal development and fulfillment of their staff within their organization. They will transform the workplace from an environment of being task centric to being people centric. This will create sustainable growth in not only the bottom line but creating a vibrant and exciting company culture focused on “being” rather than “doing.”
It is obvious that people in New Zealand and Australia’s society are choosing to make personal fulfillment and work-life balance a priority in their lives. Therefore Life Coaching is the most obvious solution to ensure the current trend of attaining fulfillment and purpose in relation to themselves and the greater good is achieved.
By Sarah Devereaux, Director of Training for New Zealand.
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