For becoming a delicate member of the International Coach federation one has to meet certain requirements. Like every career pathway, coaching also has its prerequisite requirements that need to fulfill. Anyone can wish and purse to become an international coach but one has to meet at least one of the below-stated requirements.
1. Must hold an ICF Credential (ACC, PCC, or MCC)
2. Completed a minimum of 60 hours of coach-specific training approved by ICF
How to acknowledge coach-specific training?
The globally recognized organization ICF has marked certain standards for considering a coaching training provided from several institutes around the globe as up to the mark and coach specific training. So, a coaching program must include these:
1. Must fall under Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) or should have acclaimed the designation of ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH).
2. Training took only from a Continuing Coach Education (CCE), like Coach Masters Academy, subjected to hours of training in core competencies and outside it.
3.Training unapproved by ICF previously will now be accepted. Such programs are generally marketed as teaching coaching skills or teach how to apply technical skills in a coach-like manner.
Any sort of personal development courses will not be included as considered efficient for coaching training. Coach Masters Academy takes essential care of guidelines provided by ICF before mentioning. We have been in the industry for years. We’re proud of the coaches we have given to the world who are helping humanity on an international scale.
If you want to be part of our coaching community, find the opportunity of learning under the excellence of globally recognized coaches. We’re always there to assist you, Reach us now.
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