We are designed to grow and develop; however, many variables impact whether we live up to their potential, such as the necessary beliefs, perspectives, self-awareness, motivation, grits, role models, learning agility and professional support, to name a few. Without new learning and support, one would face many insurmountable obstacles that may result in ineffective personal development.
Professional coaching helps advance human potential because it focuses on positive forward action. It doesn’t dwell on the current situation any more than is necessary to understand it. It also doesn’t dredge through the past with a view to ‘fixing’ it. It merely draws from the client’s past experiences in order to identify and find those elements that will form a necessary part of the solution, most notably in the form of a new understanding or interpretation of the current situation.
Professional coaching contributes to advancing human potential because it begins from a deep-seated belief that humans have potential and that this potential can be advanced.
Transformative coaching does not focus on fixing the immediate problem by offering a tactical problem-solving solution to the challenge.
It provides a platform for people to develop the necessary understanding of their underlying values and beliefs to formulate the required solutions on their own, not only to solve the problem but also to similar problems in the future.
The human mind is complex. It is filled with the knowledge we have learned, the emotions that we feel, the memories we have made, and the values and beliefs that we hold. This web of ‘thinking’ is what constitutes the human experience. Unfortunately, nobody teaches us how to make sense of how we relate to our reality or uncover what matters most.
This is what sets our transformational approach apart from conventional coaching methodology.
We focus on constructively leveraging the human experience in order to better understand your reality, enabling you to make better, more informed decisions as a result.
Conventional coaching focuses on helping people to achieve improvements by drawing out strengths and bypassing personal barriers and limits. This involves promoting the development of behavioural competence through observation and feedback. Often advice, guidance or opinions are offered based on a shallow understanding of the issues. This can be useful when the goal is to achieve a short-term or immediate result but is not helpful in achieving true transformation.
Professional coaching contributes to advancing human potential because it begins from a deep-seated belief that humans have potential and that this potential can be advanced.